Email Manager

To join the mailing list, simply provide your email address below.


This page aims to cover our general email and email list policies.

We understand that so many unwanted emails arrive with us all every day, we do not wish to add to this.

If you receive an email from us, it will be due to one of the following reasons:
  • You are an existing valued customer, with whom we have sold to previously.
  • The email is directly connected to an active customer services matter.
  • You are a member of one or more of our mailing lists.
You can change your email preferences, either adding or removing subscriptions and accounts, at any time.

To protect your privacy, we will not directly disclose your email preferences.
To access your stored preferences, enter your registered email address below and press the request button.
An email will be sent to your registered email address containing a link to access your information.
By clicking the link, you will be able to access your preferences to modify them as you require.


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